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Is having straight teeth important to you? According to the results of a study completed in 2016, 8 out of 10 American adults believe that there is value in having straight teeth. This study also showed that 80 percent of patients who had orthodontic treatment felt that straightening their teeth positively impacted their lives. Based on this research, one of the primary motivations for correcting crooked teeth and bite problems was to boost one’s self-esteem and enhance their overall appearance.

Apart from the aesthetic value of orthodontic treatment, having straight teeth can also keep your oral cavity cleaner. Straight teeth allow you to do a better job when it comes to flossing and brushing your teeth. Proper oral hygiene can be more challenging with crooked or misaligned teeth. Food residues can easily get stuck between your teeth and gum line, which could lead to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Straight teeth can also improve overall bite functions. With the proper bite functions, you are able to chew and break down food properly, which is important for digestion contributing to your overall health. Straight teeth also help prevent against TMJ pain, tooth decay, impaired speech and chewing problems, gum disease, and the cracking of protruding teeth upon injury.

If you believe that having straight teeth is important, consult with our orthodontic team in Markham. We will assess your teeth and create a personalized orthodontic treatment plan to help you achieve your goals. At Unionville Orthodontics, we believe that both a healthy smile and straight teeth are important!

-The Unionville Orthodontics Team

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